
class pandas.Panel(data=None, items=None, major_axis=None, minor_axis=None, copy=False, dtype=None)

Represents wide format panel data, stored as 3-dimensional array


data : ndarray (items x major x minor), or dict of DataFrames

items : Index or array-like


major_axis : Index or array-like


minor_axis : Index or array-like


dtype : dtype, default None

Data type to force, otherwise infer

copy : boolean, default False

Copy data from inputs. Only affects DataFrame / 2d ndarray input


axes index(es) of the NDFrame
blocks Internal property, property synonym for as_blocks()
empty True if NDFrame is entirely empty [no items]
ndim Number of axes / array dimensions
shape tuple of axis dimensions
values Numpy representation of NDFrame


abs() Return an object with absolute value taken.
add(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for add
add_prefix(prefix) Concatenate prefix string with panel items names.
add_suffix(suffix) Concatenate suffix string with panel items names
align(other[, join, axis, level, copy, ...]) Align two object on their axes with the
apply(func[, axis]) Apply
as_blocks([columns]) Convert the frame to a dict of dtype -> Constructor Types that each has a homogeneous dtype.
asfreq(freq[, method, how, normalize]) Convert all TimeSeries inside to specified frequency using DateOffset
astype(dtype[, copy, raise_on_error]) Cast object to input numpy.dtype
at_time(time[, asof]) Select values at particular time of day (e.g.
between_time(start_time, end_time[, ...]) Select values between particular times of the day (e.g., 9:00-9:30 AM)
bfill([axis, inplace, limit, downcast]) Synonym for NDFrame.fillna(method=’bfill’)
bool() Return the bool of a single element PandasObject
clip([lower, upper, out]) Trim values at input threshold(s)
clip_lower(threshold) Return copy of the input with values below given value truncated
clip_upper(threshold) Return copy of input with values above given value truncated
compound([axis, skipna, level]) Return the compound percentage of the values for the requested axis
conform(frame[, axis]) Conform input DataFrame to align with chosen axis pair.
consolidate([inplace]) Compute NDFrame with “consolidated” internals (data of each dtype
convert_objects([convert_dates, ...]) Attempt to infer better dtype for object columns
copy([deep]) Make a copy of this object
count([axis]) Return number of observations over requested axis.
cummax([axis, dtype, out, skipna]) Return cumulative max over requested axis.
cummin([axis, dtype, out, skipna]) Return cumulative min over requested axis.
cumprod([axis, dtype, out, skipna]) Return cumulative prod over requested axis.
cumsum([axis, dtype, out, skipna]) Return cumulative sum over requested axis.
div(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for div
divide(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for div
drop(labels[, axis, level]) Return new object with labels in requested axis removed
dropna([axis, how]) Drop 2D from panel, holding passed axis constant
eq(other) Wrapper for comparison method eq
ffill([axis, inplace, limit, downcast]) Synonym for NDFrame.fillna(method=’ffill’)
fillna([value, method, axis, inplace, ...]) Fill NA/NaN values using the specified method
filter([items, like, regex, axis]) Restrict the info axis to set of items or wildcard
first(offset) Convenience method for subsetting initial periods of time series data
floordiv(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for floordiv
fromDict(data[, intersect, orient, dtype]) Construct Panel from dict of DataFrame objects
from_dict(data[, intersect, orient, dtype]) Construct Panel from dict of DataFrame objects
ge(other) Wrapper for comparison method ge
get(key[, default]) Get item from object for given key (DataFrame column, Panel slice,
get_dtype_counts() return the counts of dtypes in this frame
get_ftype_counts() return the counts of ftypes in this frame
get_value(*args) Quickly retrieve single value at (item, major, minor) location
get_values() same as values (but handles sparseness conversions)
groupby(function[, axis]) Group data on given axis, returning GroupBy object
gt(other) Wrapper for comparison method gt
interpolate([method, axis, limit, inplace, ...]) Interpolate values according to different methods.
isnull() Return a boolean same-sized object indicating if the values are null
iteritems() Iterate over (label, values) on info axis
iterkv(*args, **kwargs) iteritems alias used to get around 2to3. Deprecated
join(other[, how, lsuffix, rsuffix]) Join items with other Panel either on major and minor axes column
keys() Get the ‘info axis’ (see Indexing for more)
kurt([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return unbiased kurtosis over requested axis
kurtosis([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return unbiased kurtosis over requested axis
last(offset) Convenience method for subsetting final periods of time series data
le(other) Wrapper for comparison method le
load(path) Deprecated.
lt(other) Wrapper for comparison method lt
mad([axis, skipna, level]) Return the mean absolute deviation of the values for the requested axis
major_xs(key[, copy]) Return slice of panel along major axis
mask(cond) Returns copy whose values are replaced with nan if the
max([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) This method returns the maximum of the values in the object.
mean([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return the mean of the values for the requested axis
median([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return the median of the values for the requested axis
min([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) This method returns the minimum of the values in the object.
minor_xs(key[, copy]) Return slice of panel along minor axis
mod(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for mod
mul(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for mul
multiply(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for mul
ne(other) Wrapper for comparison method ne
notnull() Return a boolean same-sized object indicating if the values are not null
pct_change([periods, fill_method, limit, freq]) Percent change over given number of periods
pop(item) Return item and drop from frame.
pow(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for pow
prod([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return the product of the values for the requested axis
product([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return the product of the values for the requested axis
radd(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for radd
rdiv(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rdiv
reindex([items, major_axis, minor_axis]) Conform Panel to new index with optional filling logic, placing
reindex_axis(labels[, axis, method, level, ...]) Conform input object to new index with optional filling logic, placing
reindex_like(other[, method, copy, limit]) return an object with matching indicies to myself
rename([items, major_axis, minor_axis]) Alter axes input function or functions.
rename_axis(mapper[, axis, copy, inplace]) Alter index and / or columns using input function or functions.
replace([to_replace, value, inplace, limit, ...]) Replace values given in ‘to_replace’ with ‘value’.
resample(rule[, how, axis, fill_method, ...]) Convenience method for frequency conversion and resampling of regular time-series data.
rfloordiv(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rfloordiv
rmod(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rmod
rmul(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rmul
rpow(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rpow
rsub(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rsub
rtruediv(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for rtruediv
save(path) Deprecated.
select(crit[, axis]) Return data corresponding to axis labels matching criteria
set_value(*args) Quickly set single value at (item, major, minor) location
shift(lags[, freq, axis]) Shift major or minor axis by specified number of leads/lags.
skew([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return unbiased skew over requested axis
sort_index([axis, ascending]) Sort object by labels (along an axis)
squeeze() squeeze length 1 dimensions
std([axis, skipna, level, ddof]) Return unbiased standard deviation over requested axis
sub(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for sub
subtract(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for sub
sum([axis, skipna, level, numeric_only]) Return the sum of the values for the requested axis
swapaxes(axis1, axis2[, copy]) Interchange axes and swap values axes appropriately
swaplevel(i, j[, axis]) Swap levels i and j in a MultiIndex on a particular axis
take(indices[, axis, convert]) Analogous to ndarray.take
toLong(*args, **kwargs)
to_clipboard([excel, sep]) Attempt to write text representation of object to the system clipboard
to_dense() Return dense representation of NDFrame (as opposed to sparse)
to_excel(path[, na_rep, engine]) Write each DataFrame in Panel to a separate excel sheet
to_frame([filter_observations]) Transform wide format into long (stacked) format as DataFrame
to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, **kwargs) activate the HDFStore
to_json([path_or_buf, orient, date_format, ...]) Convert the object to a JSON string.
to_long(*args, **kwargs)
to_msgpack(path_or_buf, **kwargs) msgpack (serialize) object to input file path
to_pickle(path) Pickle (serialize) object to input file path
to_sparse([fill_value, kind]) Convert to SparsePanel
transpose(*args, **kwargs) Permute the dimensions of the Panel
truediv(other[, axis]) Wrapper method for truediv
truncate([before, after, axis, copy]) Truncates a sorted NDFrame before and/or after some particular
tshift([periods, freq, axis])
tz_convert(tz[, axis, copy]) Convert TimeSeries to target time zone. If it is time zone naive, it
tz_localize(tz[, axis, copy, infer_dst]) Localize tz-naive TimeSeries to target time zone
update(other[, join, overwrite, ...]) Modify Panel in place using non-NA values from passed
var([axis, skipna, level, ddof]) Return unbiased variance over requested axis
where(cond[, other, inplace, axis, level, ...]) Return an object of same shape as self and whose corresponding
xs(key[, axis, copy]) Return slice of panel along selected axis